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LiqTech International A/S (Liquid Technology International A/S) is a technology based company which activities is based on development, production of Silicon Carbide (SiC) membranes and Catalytic coating on SiC. The technology for the SiC based membrane has been developed by the Danish company LiqTech A/S who started research and development of SiC membrane units in 1999.

All development activities were transferred to LiqTech International A/S in 2006 in order to finish the development and to commercialize the membranes (today owns all patent rights).

LiqTech International A/S develops, manufactures and globally markets ceramic membranes made of porous α-SiC for industrial processes focusing on micro- and ultra filtration. These membranes are manufactured with SiC-powder, with various particle sizes. Subsequently, LiqTech International A/S has great experience with working with SiC filters.

With its specific and consolidated experience on Silicon Carbide (SiC) membranes production and catalytic coating, LiqTech International A/S will lead the WP 5 (Ceramic products tests).

The work will be executed by manufacturing SiC-filters in different SiC-geometries with the aim of comparing the produced powder’s ability to be applied in the industry and testing of the products.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226549 call FP7-ENV-2008-1


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