The TyGRe Project

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ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. It is one of the largest scientific and technological state-owned Italian institutions (about 3300 employees) with a specific mission in applied research activities, technology transfer and dissemination of innovation, especially to SME’s. With respect to waste management, ENEA has been involved in the development and demonstration of innovative technologies since the early 90’s; the expertise of ENEA includes study, development and demonstration of waste treatment technologies and of innovative cycle options for a sustainable waste management.

ENEA takes the role as coordinator of the project and is involved in all work packages, with the only exception of WP2. As the coordinator ENEA represents the interface between science, industry and public bodies and therefore ensures the harmonization of activities and the overall management of the project. With its specific and consolidated experience on waste thermal processes at pilot scale, ENEA will lead the WP1 (Gasification and cleaning system) and WP6 (Setup and operational tests on pilot scale). Because of its expertise on Life Cycle Assessment, ecodesign and methodologies for sustainability evaluation and its experiences covering a wide range of applications, ENEA will lead WP7 and will develop a methodology for sustainability assessment of the technology proposed. ENEA will support activities of the WP4 (carbothermal reduction) and WP5 (ceramic product tests) with its specific and consolidated experience on ceramic powder synthesis and sintering processes.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226549 call FP7-ENV-2008-1


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