The TyGRe Project

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Concept and objectives

Current EU waste policy is based on a concept known as the waste hierarchy. This means that waste should be prevented and what cannot be prevented should be re-used, recycled and recovered as much as feasible. The aim of moving towards a recycling society means moving up the hierarchy, away from landfill and beyond recycling and recovery.

Current EU waste policy is based on a concept known as the waste hierarchy. This means that waste should be prevented and what cannot be prevented should be re-used, recycled and recovered as much as feasible. The aim of moving towards a recycling society means moving up the hierarchy, away from landfill and beyond recycling and recovery.

The overall goal of "coping with the availability of resources" is applied in the current 7FP call by promoting projects aimed at developing technologies for recovering high added-value products from selected waste streams.

Transformation process from waste to materials

In line with this last aspect, our proposal focuses the attention to the problem of the waste tyres, by promoting their treatment through the development of a thermal process mainly devoted to the production of ceramic materials. Such a project defines a recycling scenario that mainly concerns three principal elements (a particular INPUT waste material, an innovative thermal PROCESS and a high added value OUTPUT material) which will be thoroughly analysed.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226549 call FP7-ENV-2008-1


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